Publications en Presentations

Presentations at the 2nd Competitiveness Forum Suriname 2015

Celene Cleland-Gomez – Cluster initiatives in the Caribean: A View from the Trenches

Gabriel Casaburi – Rethinking Productive Development Policies

Hunt Howell – IDB Experience on Sustainability of Reforms in the Region

Joseph Cox – Policy Reforms for Economic Growth: The Jamaican Experience

Francisco Galrao – Suriname: What Policy Reforms work best for Diversification

Steven Coutinho – The role of Culture in Suriname’s Productivity

Eric Kacou – From Potential to Prosperity

Carlo Pietrobelli – Experiences with Innovation and Value Chains

Sergio Akiemboto – Grassalco: We bring prosperity to the surface

Dewi Hamwijk – Zekerheidswetgeving met betrekking tot roerende zaken: bevorder de toegang tot krediet

Dewi Hamwijk – Secured Transactions Regime for Acces to Finance

Reynold Simons – Institutionele Verandering, Competitiviteit, Productiviteit en de Arbeidsmarkt in Suriname

Francisco Galrao – Suriname: The Institutions that matter for Divesification

Sharon Mac Donald – Technological Innovation for Growth: Enhancing efficiency with Low Cost High Technology

Inez Demon – Technological Innovation for growth: An Agricultural point of view

Sherry Lassiter – MIT Center for Bits and Atoms & THE FAB FOUNDATION

Reina Raveles – Fab Lab Paramaribo putting innovative tools in the hands of (potential) entrepreneurs in Suriname

Niko Kluyver – Registries as a catalyst towards Competitive Markets

Pierre Nadji – Innovation and growth strategies – The Investment Climate Challenge

ES Partners Rob Henning & Eric Kacou – From Potential to Prosperity Part 2: 3 Strategies & 5 Sectors to drive Diversification

ES Partners Rob Henning & Eric Kacou – From Potential to Prosperity: Five Imperatives for Transforming Suriname’s Economy



Doing Business Reform Program Suriname

Stakeholders Involvement

DB Reform program CUS IDA ppt may 2013 Burleson

Doing Business Reform Programme – IDA International


Wanted Entrepreneurs

SBF presentation november

PPP Labor market institutions (1)

IDB-Suriname-presentation EEC

Draft laws intended to improve the business climate in Suriname – Omnibus Law

Verbetering van Suriname’s Nationaal Concurrentievermogen: De Positieve Ommekeer

Presentation of the cus at the SELA seminar of 11th to 12th April 2013

Presentation of the CUS for the President Haïti of and the President of the Republic of Suriname


Presentations at the competitiveness Forum Suriname on February the 7th and 8th 2013

Inder Ruprah croissance de la productivité économique & Compétitivité au Suriname

Rahied V. Doekhie e-gouvernement

Ray Jong BridgingTheGap un verrouillage

Gilmore Hoefdraad Suriname aujourd'hui et ses petites et moyennes entreprises

Gustavo Garnavat Faire des affaires avec la BID

Liesbeth Perotie


Présentations des tables de travail

Decentralisation Of Ecomic Development :

Panneau de la décentralisation S.Afaisi

Le développement durable de l'intérieur des terres, de la planification à la mise en œuvre Steven Alfaisi

Amélioration de la compétitivité des communautés autochtones René Artiste

Competitiveness Forum Suriname Sh. Mormon [1]


L'éducation et l'innovation:

Panneau de l'éducation & Innovation J.Navarro

L'innovation et l'éducation en Production Agricole Dr Robert H.Power

Innovation Université partenariats communautaires professeur Prakash Persad


Partenariats public-privé:

Groupe de Partenariats Public Privé R.Velluntini

Un homme Max Hing Concurrentie kracht middels partenariats public-privé


Accès à la finance

Groupe d'Accès à la finance W. Bernard Tambour