Presentatie en discussie: “Legal Framework for Private Sector Development Lees meer
Presentatie en discussie: “Legal Framework for Private Sector Development Lees meer
De Competitiveness Unit Suriname (CUS) presenteerde op woensdag 24 july 2013 de belangerijkste aanbevelingen voor verbetering van het ondernemersklimaat in Suriname. De presentatie is bedoeld voor stakeholders die ertoe moeten bijdragen dat Suriname in 2015 aantrekkelijker is voor serieuze investeerders. Lees meer
The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, The Bahamas Investment Authority, the Inter-American Development Bank, Compete Caribbean, the Caribbean Development Bank and The World Bank extend our deepest appreciation for your support and active participation in the Caribbean Growth Forum Regional Workshop held June 24-25, 2013 in The Bahamas. Read More
Every year, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) publishes, among other things, a listing of the net Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into the region; country by country. For economists this is a valuable source of data, as it indicates how “well” a country is doing in attracting foreign investments to
特立尼达和多巴哥将于十月十八美洲竞争力论坛 2014, 规划部在一份新闻稿中说,昨天. 该主题将是“工作中的人的想象力: 驾驶竞争力, 供电创新“. 规划部负责领导政府的贡献论坛. 至于筹备的一部分
的 2-4 oktober 2013, 第七,美洲竞争力论坛 (VII ACF), in Panama City, 巴拿马, gehouden. 中心主题是基础设施和技术. 通过RIAC举办的第七ACF (Red Inter Americana de Competitividad), 德美洲竞争力网络. Lees meer
We, the representatives of the countries engaged in the Caribbean Growth Forum initiative, met in Nassau on 24-25 六月 2013. Since last June 2012, we committed to engage in a transparent and inclusive process of public policy making aiming to a roadmap for reforms to return on the path to growth. Today, 我们重申
您在此处被邀请到第一阶段的闭幕大会会议 0 经商Hervormíngsprogamma的改善营商环境在我国, 作为我们国家竞争力的重要组成部分. 点击这里邀请
美洲竞争力论坛 (ACF) 在西半球,从该地区带来了私营部门和政府领导人聚集在一起,分享最佳实践以提高竞争力卓越的经济和商业活动, 革新, 和本地区繁荣. 在ACF的目的是鼓励该地区的政府领导工作
<跨度bbox_x =“466”bbox_y = 543“bbox_w =”25“bbox_h =”18“的fsize =”12 fweight =“3”红=绿色“0”=“0”蓝色=“0”阿尔法“ 2013 区域车间2区域活动COUNTRY CHAPTERS_Suriname