Categoría: Noticias y Actividades

Uitnodiging Presentatie en discussie: “Legal Framework for Private Sector Development”

Presentatie en discussie: “Legal Framework for Private Sector Development Lees meer

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Competitiveness Unit Suriname belicht

De Competitiveness Unit Suriname (CUS) presenteerde op woensdag 24 july 2013 de belangerijkste aanbevelingen voor verbetering van het ondernemersklimaat in Suriname. De presentatie is bedoeld voor stakeholders die ertoe moeten bijdragen dat Suriname in 2015 aantrekkelijker is voor serieuze investeerders. Lees meer

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Thank You Note Caribbean Growth Forum

The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, The Bahamas Investment Authority, the Inter-American Development Bank, Compete Caribbean, the Caribbean Development Bank and The World Bank extend our deepest appreciation for your support and active participation in the Caribbean Growth Forum Regional Workshop held June 24-25, 2013 in The Bahamas. Read More

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Foreign Investment in the Caribbean

Every year, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) publishes, among other things, a listing of the net Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into the region; country by country. For economists this is a valuable source of data, as it indicates how “well” a country is doing in attracting foreign investments to

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T&T to host VIII Americas competitiveness Forum in 2014

Trinidad and Tobago will host the eighth Americas Competitiveness Forum in October 2014, the Ministry of Planning said in a release yesterday. The theme will be “The Human Imagination at Work: Driving Competitiveness, Powering Innovation”. The Planning Ministry is in charge of leading the Government’s contribution to the forum. As part of preparations for the

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Inzending presentaties : 7th Americas Competitiveness Forum (VII ACF) in Panama City,

De 2-4 oktober 2013, wordt de Zevende Americas Competitiveness Forum (VII ACF), in Panama City, Panama, gehouden. Het centraal thema is infrastructuur en technologie. De VII ACF wordt georganiseerd door RIAC (Red Inter Americana de Competitividad), de Inter American Competitiveness Network. Lees meer

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Communiqué Caribbean Growth Forum Regional Workshop – Nassau – 24-25 June, 2013

  We, the representatives of the countries engaged in the Caribbean Growth Forum initiative, met in Nassau on 24-25 June 2013. Since last June 2012, we committed to engage in a transparent and inclusive process of public policy making aiming to a roadmap for reforms to return on the path to growth. Today, we reaffirm

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Algemene uitnodiging voor de General Closing Session van fase 0 van de Doing Business Hervormings Progamma

Hierbij wordt u uitgenodigd voor de General Closing Session van fase 0 van het Doing Business Hervormíngsprogamma ter verbetering van de Doing Business in ons land, als belangrijk onderdeel van ons nationaal concurrentievermogen. Klik Hier voor de uitnodiging

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Americas Competitiveness Forom

The Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) is the preeminent economic and commercial event in the Western Hemisphere that brings together private sector and government leaders from the region to share best practices for enhancing the competitiveness, innovation, and prosperity of the region. The purpose of the ACF is to encourage the region’s government leaders to work

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Resultaten 4 Werkgroepen op Regionale Workshop, 24-25 juni, 2013, Bahamas

  CGF 2013 Regional Workshop2 Regional Event COUNTRY CHAPTERS_Suriname

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