Categoria: Notícias e Atividades

CUS atualização nummer 3

Dowload het laatste op het gebied van competitiveness in Suriname.In deze update leest u meer over het REACH project waarin Suriname betrokken is. Download CUS update nummer 3

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CUS atualização nummer 2

Dowload het laatste op het gebied van competitiveness in Suriname.In deze update leest u meer over de Competitiveness Unit Suriname, wetgeving en de verschillende internationale rankings. Download CUS update nummer 2

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CUS atualização nummer 1

Dowload het laatste op het gebied van competitiveness in Suriname. In deze update leest u meer over de resultaten van de Competitiveness Unit Suriname. CUS atualização nummer 1 CUS atualização nummer 1 vervolg

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Competitiveness nader belicht in KKF facts

Competitiveness oftewel Concurrentievermogen op onze laatstgehouden ondernemersavond waren er presentaties over Competitiveness oftewel het concurrentievermogen van landen: een economische theorie die feiten en beleidsregels analyseert die het vermogen van een land bepalen een milieu te scheppen en te handhaven waarin waarde creatie voor zijn ondernemingen en meer welvaart voor zijn mensen worden gerealiseerd.  

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apresentação : A importância das indicações geográficas (Indicações geográficas) e outras formas de Propriedade Intelectual

na terça-feira 23 Junho 2015 a Competitividade Unidade Suriname fez uma apresentação durante os empresários à noite de a Câmara de Comércio. Durante a apresentação foi discutida a importância das indicações geográficas. Apresentações de download: Unidade de Competitividade Suriname APRESENTAÇÃO DE INDICADORES GEOGRÁFICOS Sherida Mormon Propriedades Intelectuais_KKF _IDEMON PROCEDIMENTO DE TRABALHO BIE Indicação geográfica Jakaoemo

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2nd Competitiveness Forum Suriname

Confira o 2º Fórum de Competitividade Suriname: 11 marcha 2015: 12 marcha 2015:

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New Opportunity: The Americas Cultural Entrepreneurship Award

Washington DC, United States, Dezembro 3, 2014— The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and the OAS Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) are pleased to announce the Americas Cultural Entrepreneurship Award as a new category of the Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas (TIC Americas) during the OAS Youth Conference in Washington DC. O

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Caribbean Economic Alchemy: Has Magic Returned to Bauxite?

After a long period of stagnating prices, the global bauxite market is experiencing changes which are expected to drive prices higher. To a large extent, these changes are driven by increasing demand from Chinese manufacturing. However, constraints on exports imposed by major bauxite producers, such as Indonesia and India have affected the supply side as

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Boletim Trimestral Caribe: Volume 3: Questão 4: November 2014

Boletim Trimestral Caribe: Volume 3: Questão 4: November 2014 Author Salazni, Mariana; Khadan, Jeetendra; Dukharan, Marla; Gomez Osorio, Camillo; Wenner, Mark D.; Thomas, Chrystol; O’Brien,Cherran; Schmid, Juan Pedro Date : Dec 2014 Source: Inter-American Development Bank The Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin discusses recent economic developments in the 6 IDB-member Caribbean countries, as well as

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Suriname aims to boost productivity and business

IDB loan of US$20 million will help improve business climate and diversify small and medium-size companies The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a US$20 million loan to Suriname with the goal of increasing the value-added of the private sector in the country’s economy. In order to achieve this, IDB will support the implementation of

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