华盛顿特区, 美国, 十二月 3, 2014 - 年轻美洲信托业务 (YABT) 和美洲国家组织秘书处执行综合发展 (办事处) 很高兴地宣布美洲文化企业家奖作为人才的一个新的类别和美洲的创新大赛 (TIC美洲) 美洲国家组织青年会议在华盛顿期间,. 该
华盛顿特区, 美国, 十二月 3, 2014 - 年轻美洲信托业务 (YABT) 和美洲国家组织秘书处执行综合发展 (办事处) 很高兴地宣布美洲文化企业家奖作为人才的一个新的类别和美洲的创新大赛 (TIC美洲) 美洲国家组织青年会议在华盛顿期间,. 该
After a long period of stagnating prices, the global bauxite market is experiencing changes which are expected to drive prices higher. To a large extent, these changes are driven by increasing demand from Chinese manufacturing. However, constraints on exports imposed by major bauxite producers, such as Indonesia and India have affected the supply side as
Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Volume 3: Issue 4: November 2014 Author Salazni, Mariana; Khadan, Jeetendra; Dukharan, Marla; Gomez Osorio, Camillo; Wenner, Mark D.; Thomas, Chrystol; O’Brien,Cherran; Schmid, Juan Pedro Date : Dec 2014 Source: Inter-American Development Bank The Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin discusses recent economic developments in the 6 IDB-member Caribbean countries, as well as
IDB loan of US$20 million will help improve business climate and diversify small and medium-size companies The Inter-American Development Bank (<跨度bbox_x =“766”bbox_y =“767 bbox_w =”20“bbox_h =”18“的fsize =”12 fweight =“3”红=绿色“0”=“0”蓝色=“0”阿尔法“) has approved a US$20 million loan to Suriname with the goal of increasing the value-added of the private sector in the country’s economy. In order to achieve this, IDB will support the implementation of
Stand van zaken Modernisering van Wetgeving voor verbetering van het Investeringsklimaat: Suriname is door de World Economic Forum geclassificeerd als een ‘Efficiency Driven’ Economie zit zowat in de middenmoot. Om op te klimmen naar de hogere categorie van ‘Innovation Driven’ economieën zijn daarom meer maar vooral ook nieuwe initiatieven nodig. De Competitiveness Unit Suriname is