创业板苏里南 2013 报道

出版年份: 2014
语言: English
Author(小号): 亨利·贝利, 马文·帕切科, Sieglien伯利森, 米格尔·卡里略, 汉斯·林阿婆, Ollye丽塔下巴森, Chris Healy

This is the first GEM study for Suriname. 尽管成年人中对创业精神的有利的看法, 创业意向和参与都非常低相比于其他国家. Several challenges were observed in the entrepreneurial framework conditions – particularly in the areas of access to finance, support programs, ŕ&D transfer and market openness. Entrepreneurial firms in Suriname were found to under perform on the dimensions of innovation, growth potential and export competitiveness. The report ends with a preliminary set of recommendations to address issues in entrepreneurial intent, activity and outcomes, along with recommendations for further research.

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